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아사쿠라 미나미
Minami Asakura , 浅倉 南
최근수정 2021-01-23 17:57:23
랭킹: 47351위 -44 인기도: 290 프리미엄: -8 감정가: 42
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Minami Asakura The Uesugi twins' neighbour and childhood friend. An intelligent and active student who has to help her father with house chores and at the family coffee shop since her mother died at a young age. Minami is a pretty girl who is popular at school and the object of desire for both the Uesugi twins. Although her widower father and mr. and mrs. Uesugi often pair Minami and Kazuya to be married, her heart truly lies on Tatsuya as seen through subtle hints. Despite of that, she is more often seen with Kazuya and actively supports him on the road to the Koushien which makes everyone think that Minami is actually in love with Kazuya, the star pitcher.

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