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Camille Inaho Camilla , カミル・イナホ・カミーラ
최근수정 2021-01-23 19:17:23
랭킹: 17093위 -4 인기도: 1,260 프리미엄: 23 감정가: 242
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Camille Inaho Camilla Camille, better known as Inaho before losing touch with Mo-chan 300 years ago, is Mo-chan's wife. Speculation on her being an ex-wife since they haven't seen each other in 300 years but by law they're still married. She is probably the most over sexed vampire ever and she admits it. The only thing, besides serving Mo-chan, is to sleep with him. She is always plotting to have Mo-chan to herself and enjoys the Vampire side of him, even though he beats her up then. She even said she enjoyed the slapping and him pulling her up by the roots of her hair. She does love Mo-chan, a very twisted kinda love, but love none the less.

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