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Saburou Yamada , 山田 三郎
최근수정 2021-02-08 18:27:08
랭킹: 75625위 120 인기도: 17 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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MC Name: MC.L.B (Little Brother) Division: Ikebukuro Birthday: December 16th Solo Song: New star Quote: Everything that rises sets, and everything that grows, grows old. Third son of the Yamada household and the youngest in Buster Bros!!!. A genius-type who can do just about anything. Unlike his brothers, not a delinquent. Respects and looks up to Ichiro. Thought about becoming a delinquent at first, but after Jiro became the one to follow in Ichiro's footsteps, he decided against it. Generally has good behavior, but will ridicule someone the moment he thinks they are beneath him. His hobbies are board games and card games. Because of his twisted personality, he doesn't have many friends. Wants someone he can always be together with. (Source: HypMic Wiki)

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