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릭 하이젠베르크
Rik Heisenberg , リク=ハイゼンベルグ
최근수정 2021-04-14 23:02:14
랭킹: 55874위 -10 인기도: 192 프리미엄: -8 감정가: 28
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성별 : 남성
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Rik is 28 years old and the General of the Black Gema Gema Gang. He plays the role of the veterinarian of the doctor trio. He takes pride in his profession and loves animals. As a result, Rik has many animals around him. The animals include Bun Bun and Amaenbou. As the gang considers themselves a "family", Rik considers himself as the "Daddy".

From Wikipedia

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