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Luak , ルアク
최근수정 2021-02-08 01:39:08
랭킹: 9563위 4 인기도: 2,310 프리미엄: 54 감정가: 554
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Luak Luak was a pirate captain who was based in Roanapur and often raided the coast and rivers of nearby Thailand. Although he was good, he had the bad habit of attracting unwanted company (Chin once commented that a warship had once pursued him).

His latest contract was with the minor crimeboss Chin. It seemed that Dutch had slighted the Chinese boss by favoring Balalaika rather than him, and hired Luak to kill him and the Lagoon Company in an ambush (Chin had given a trusted source of Dutch's bogus information on a job to send the Lagoon Company).

But from the start, the mission was doomed. When his six boats tried to flank the Black Lagoon and riddle it with gunfire, Dutch managed to "hit the brakes" by reversing the Black Lagoon's engines, causing one of Luak's boats to be destroyed in a friendly-fire crossfire. Then Revy took over as she single-handedly boarded four of the remaining crafts, killing the crews and blowing the boats up with a grenade launcher. Seeing his chances diminishing, Luak decided to flee the scene – only to be killed when Revy blew-up his boat. Chin was later killed by Balalaika and "Hotel Moscow".

(Source: Absolute Anime)

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