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시바 강아지의 행복한 마음완결작
Shibawanko no Wa no Kokoro
최근수정 2012-02-24 20:58:24
랭킹: -위 인기도: 0 프리미엄: - 감정가: -
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : TV
화수 : 80
러닝타임 : 2분
등급 : 전체
방영일 : 2006.04.05
종영일 : 2007.03.14
장르 : 아이들
프로듀서 :  Nonefound addsome.
홈페이지 : 
Based on a japanese children`s book by Yoshie Kawaura.

Shiba-wanko, a Shiba-inu dog, and Miike-nyanko, a calico cat, live together in a classic Japanese-style house with the traditional Japanese alcove called a tokonoma. Shiba-wanko is a very gentle and hardworking soul who does all of the cleaning, laundry and cooking in the house. Miike-nyanko is a different type all together, being rather temperamental and not very good with housework. Together, these two learn the manners and customs associated with events such as the proper Japanese way to treat one`s guests, preparing for a Japanese New Year and how to enjoy the kimono, the traditional Japanese costume. Each chapter covers a specific topic which has to do with living in "Wa" (the Japanese-style spirit of peace and harmony) throughout the changing seasons.

(Source: AniDB)
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