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칸자키 준
Jun Kanzaki , 神崎 潤
최근수정 2021-04-15 23:02:15
랭킹: 7165위 -4 인기도: 3,432 프리미엄: -54 감정가: 247
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키/몸무게 : 

Jun Kanzaki The 3rd in command of the cult after Simon and "K", also known as the "star of wisdom, he is a very intelligent person that seems to know alot about human psychology and always seems to be a few steps ahead of his opponents. He doesn't seem to show any emotion either and always has a smile on his face.

Hi is the tenth child of Kamishima Simon. He has a subconcious habit observing people and biting his nail when stressed. He has an unbalanced habit and desires freedom the most.

He is also Otoya's younger brother .

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