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일본 애니메이션 선전완결작
Nihon Animator Mihonichi (Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition)
최근수정 2015-11-06 04:52:06
랭킹: 3015위 -18 인기도: 6,174,564 프리미엄: 400 감정가: 4,116,376
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : ONA
화수 : 35
러닝타임 : 7분
등급 : 청불
방영일 : 2014.11.07
종영일 : 2015.10.09
장르 : 액션,디멘시아,에찌,판타지,메카,밀리터리,음악,학교,공상과학,우주,초자연
프로듀서 :  Dwango
홈페이지 : 

The short film series "Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition" presented by Studio Khara and Dwango. Original projects, spin-off projects, promotional films, Music PV, and VJ Films, etc... Various omnibus animations produced with love and energy, regardless of any genres. The digital distribution anime series bring opportunities for project development, R&D, human resources development, and free production under limited period and budget, to explore the possibilities of future film production.

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