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시노노메 미카즈키
Mikazuki Shinonome , 東雲 三日月
최근수정 2021-02-23 03:40:23
랭킹: 19769위 -2 인기도: 1,080 프리미엄: 8 감정가: 181
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Mikazuki Shinonome Mikazuki is the brother of Hangetsu, and is also a knight. He is the crow knight. Though he may appear normal, he is actually obsessed with fighting. He also is quite a womanizer, and is not afraid to speak his mind in front of them, and still will ask them out if they beat him up. Mizazuki is a big prankster and isn't shy about making jokes about people (i.e. asking the teacher if he wore a wig in the middle of class). These qualities make him very popular at Yuuhi's school. He has a personal grudge against Yuuhi, because his brother died saving him, so therefore he beleives Yuuhi to be a stronger existence.
It is also said he loves the princess.

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