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Inkara , インカラ
최근수정 2021-01-04 02:25:04
랭킹: 54762위 -43 인기도: 204 프리미엄: 0 감정가: 32
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Inkara Greedy and gluttonous, Inkara is the emperor of Kenashikourupe before it is taken over by rebel villagers. Nuwangi is his nephew and Sasante is his little brother. He has an unwavering belief that the people of his county exist only for his whims and for no other reason. He is always seen smoking a pipe or surrounded by beautiful attendants.

He is killed by Benawi just before Hakuro arrives, as Benawi believes that the rebels will humiliate and crucify him, and that an emperor's pride would not allow such a peasant's death. But even as he realizes that he is trapped and is about to be killed, Inkara begs for his life pathetically, saying that he's not ready to die until he eats more delicious foods and plays with more beautiful women.

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