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Chypre , シプレ
최근수정 2020-10-13 20:59:13
랭킹: 10516위 -24 인기도: 2,109 프리미엄: -54 감정가: 152
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
A fairy who should protect the "Heart Tree". In order to save it from danger, she has come to look for Precure. She gives Tsubomi, who is one of the Legendary Warriors Precure chosen by the Heart Tree, the "Seed of Precure" to activate the Heart Perfume so she can change into Cure Blossom. She often disguises herself as a stuffed animal. She has the power to give birth to "Heart Seeds". It says that if you collect them, a miracle will happen. Chypre has a calm character. She often behaves as if she is Tsubomi's big sister.

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