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시마키 효우
Hyou Shimaki , 島木翔
최근수정 2021-03-22 00:50:22
랭킹: 21171위 -6 인기도: 1,001 프리미엄: -31 감정가: 108
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키/몸무게 : 

Hyou Shimaki A profesor who was chosen to be the Black Cat Knight. His familiar is Coo Ritter. He is interested in achieving the Akashic records, the knowledge of everything in the universe. This desires captures Animus' interest in him since both of them have similar goals, and because of this he often chats with him trying to recruit him to his side. After having his original wish of omniscience denied by Coo, he settles for the ability to create his own set of golems.

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