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타케노우치 유타카
Yutaka Takenouchi , 竹之内 豊
최근수정 2013-09-09 16:43:09
랭킹: 13970위 -25 인기도: 1,568 프리미엄: 92 감정가: 470
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
The leader of Cromartie High's first-year students. Known to be an incredible fighter and a reliable person. His name is a parody of a famous Japanese actor.

From the character profile:

The underground kingpin of Cromartie High's 1st year class. (What is an "underground kingpin" anyway?) Takenouchi loves to travel, but hates being in vehicles. His strenght is enough to make his longtime enemies at Bass High School tremble; in terms of respect, he has no equal. If only he didn't get motion sickness so easily, he would have made a perfectly fine main character. This single drawback is most regrettable. Takenouchi has come to fear Kamiyama because whenever the two are together, he ends up in some sort of unpleasant situation. Takenouchi has a cute, shaved head. His grandeur, which is far beyond that of anormal 16-year-old, has attrackted many female fans. (Seriously!) His motto is "Stick with your New Years resolutions."

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