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마에다 아키라
Akira Maeda , 前田 彰
최근수정 2021-01-04 03:28:04
랭킹: 77564위 -44 인기도: 7 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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Akira Maeda A delinquent of some accomplishment (he claims to have won a 5-against-1 fight), he is ignored and disrespected because he lacks a nickname. Often the most conservative of Kamiyama's friends, he is also frequently abducted by delinquents from Bass High School and is often the unwilling host of Cromartie High gatherings at his house. He has the most common sense of all the characters in the series.Despite his masculine looks, is an exact replica of his mother (excepting his hairstyle).

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