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오리가미 닌자 코얀킨테방영중
Origami Ninja Koyankinte
최근수정 2020-07-04 06:35:04
랭킹: -위 인기도: 0 프리미엄: - 감정가: -
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : TV
화수 : 
러닝타임 : 
등급 : 전체
방영일 : 2020.04.07
종영일 : 
장르 : 코미디,아이들
프로듀서 :  TVTokyo
홈페이지 : 

Koyan, the Origami Ninja, came to Earth from his planet Origamio to find the magical stone "Hapiton" that has the ability to make people happy. On the way, he was joined by childhood friend Namin anda new friend Lublin. One day, a villain called Evilrun appeared. Evilrun has a black hole in her stomach and tries to inhale anything. Every time an event happens, Evilrun gets in the way of Koyan and friends. But what Evilrun's aim is remains a mystery...

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