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러브앤프로듀서 EVOL×LOVE방영중
Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE (Mr Love: Queen's Choice)
최근수정 2020-09-30 17:40:30
랭킹: 8055위 -13 인기도: 617 프리미엄: - 감정가: 411
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : TV
화수 : 12
러닝타임 : 24분
등급 : 12세
방영일 : 2020.07.16
종영일 : 
장르 : 공상과학,미스터리,슈퍼파워,로맨스,소녀
프로듀서 :  Nonefound addsome
홈페이지 : 

A girl inherits a company that is almost bankrupt from her late father. Lacking the funds, she must now become the producer herself in order to save the company from collapse.
During her work, she meets four boys—financial expert Zen, the idol Kira, police officer Haku, and leading neuroscientist Simon—and is suddenly involved with the conspiracies and mysteries over the existence of special powers known as "Evol."

(Source: MAL News)

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