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Karehaan , カレハーン
최근수정 2013-04-17 03:51:17
랭킹: 31118위 -15 인기도: 620 프리미엄: 92 감정가: 186
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
Karehaan is the first of the Dark Fall to attack Earth. He is sent to capture Flappy and Choppy in order to force them to tell where the Fountain of Sun is. When they refuse to reply, he begins to harm them until Saki and Mai step in and transform for the first time. Karehaan transforms wood-related objects into Uzainaa monsters, and he appears plant-like himself. His name comes from the word "kareha", which is Japanese for "dead leaves". This holds true since his true form is a dead leaf.

Source Wikipedia

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