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Poisonny , ポイズニー
최근수정 2013-04-22 15:53:22
랭킹: 8412위 -20 인기도: 2,784 프리미엄: -69 감정가: 134
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
She is the only woman of the Dark Five. Instead of making a big show of calling on Zakenna like Pisard and Gekidorago, she snaps her fingers and is much more discreet about it. She often takes on a human appearance to gain the trust of the girls before attacking. In her true form, she resembles a vampire: She is pale, dresses in black tinted with red, wears a cape and has fangs, dark-rimmed yellow and red eyes and long red hair. She is often mocked by her brother.

Source Wikipedia

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