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셋츠노 키리마루
Kirimaru Settsuno , 摂津の きり丸
최근수정 2021-12-17 22:16:17
랭킹: 10424위 5 인기도: 2,123 프리미엄: 31 감정가: 433
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
Student (Nintama) of the Ninjutsu Gakuen 1-ha. member of three friend group including Rantaro and Shinbe. 

He enters Ninjutsu Gakuen after losing his hometown and his family by the war.
He is very good at business, is an abnormal skinflint and he loves money,
he instantly reacts to the word that associates small change and money.
He works diligently to the part-time job day and night.

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