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Keigo Mahori , 馬堀 圭吾
최근수정 2021-01-11 04:14:11
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Keigo Mahori Keigo Mahori
Keigo lived in Brazil for several years,

and he got back to Japan just after Kubo died.

Learning his skill from Brazil, the Samba technique excites the audience. He fills in Kubo's spot splendidly using his polished skills.Originally annoyed by his teammates because of his attitudes, it was him who pointed out that Kakegawas had to free themselves from Kubo's shadow.

* voiced by Tomokazu Seki
* Jersey Number: 11
* Position: Mid Fielder
* Class: Freshmen
* Birthday: 8 Sep, 1974
* H/W: 172 cm / 63 kg
(source wikipedia)

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