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Niwe , ニウェ
최근수정 2013-04-03 23:18:03
랭킹: 31700위 -13 인기도: 602 프리미엄: 0 감정가: 94
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
Niwe is lord of Shikerpecim, a country of vast strength that was three times bigger than Tuskuru, and had ten times the military power. Niwe initiates numerous and lengthy attacks against Tuskuru in an attempt to draw out Hakuoro's inner beast. It is later revealed that he was working with Dii, from whom he learned Hakuoro's true identity.

In their final confrontation, Niwe finally succeeds in drawing out the demigod slumbering within Hakuoro. His amazement is cut short however, as the raging beast tears Niwe to pieces, signalling the downfall of Shikerpecim. Niwe, however despite his gruesome death, continues to harass Hakuoro through nightmares later on.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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