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츠키시마 시즈쿠
Shizuku Tsukishima , 月島 雫
최근수정 2021-01-10 17:49:10
랭킹: 14467위 -14 인기도: 1,512 프리미엄: 46 감정가: 345
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성별 : 여성
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Shizuku is a junior high student living in the Tokyo Suburb of Tama New Town. She loves to write, or at least has the potential for she writes the translation of the song "Country Road" from English to Japanese for graduation (she also creates her own version for Tokyo, which shows that potential as well). At the beginning of the film, it's summer and all the students are awaiting the arrival of the new school year. Shizuku is determined to read at least twenty books before that happens. Her local library does not have one that she wants to read the most, so she goes to school to find it and it's there. While she is checking it out, she notices the name "Amasawa Seiji" on the card. And she remembers that most of the other books had that same name. It turns out that it's a boy in her same grade, whom had mocked her original lyrics to "Country Road' as corny earlier. She calls him a jerk, without even knowing who it is.

Later in the story, they develop a bond which then eventually turns into love. Amasawa even asks Shizuku to consent to marry him when they get older. She says yes.

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