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엔도 카즈미
Kazumi Endo , 遠藤 一美
최근수정 2021-01-14 13:01:14
랭킹: 36611위 -15 인기도: 480 프리미엄: 8 감정가: 81
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키/몸무게 : 

Kazumi Endo Kazumi Endo
The Manager of the soccer club. She's always there to cheer them up and stop the fangirls to get near 'her' team. Kazuhiro liked her, but she preferred Toshi. Then it's a love-rivalry between Toshi and Kazuhiro, although Toshi himself didn't regard Kazumi as his love and apparently didn't have so much interest in her.

* voiced by Noriko Hidaka
* Position: Team Manager
* Class: Freshmen
(source wikipedia)

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