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사사키 유타카
Sasaki Yutaka , 佐々木豊
최근수정 2013-09-10 13:21:10
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Yutaka Sasaki
Sasaki wasn't considered a very good player. Sasaki his self entered the team to be with his best friend Nitta, as he was more into music and indeed a member of a band. However through the anime Sasaki shows very good skills, he was chosen for the main squad from the beginning while Nitta entered a lot later.But knowing the secret practices Nitta has after school, he is willing to accompany his friends instead of guitar practice. His stamina and Speed, which are fast as Kazuhiro's are remarkable and he seemed to get close with the team later.

* voiced by Isshin Chiba
* Jersey Number: 6
* Position: Forward
* Class: Freshmen
(Source Wikipedia)

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