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닛타 신이치
Shinichi Nitta , 新田 伸一
최근수정 2013-09-10 13:20:10
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Shinichi Nitta
He's a close friend of Sasaki. His role in story is minor. But surprisingly, he's often the savior in the heat of the game. His ability is creating offside-trap that often helped the team in dire situations when dangerous opponent strikers are attacking. His innocent face combined with great offside timing proves true alongside Kakegawa team. Although he's good at defending, he sometimes made mistakes by soloing the dribble pushing the opponents alone. This causes more advanced opponents to easily retake the ball from him and counterattack Kakegawa.

* voiced by Yuusuke Numata
* Position: Defender
* Class: Freshmen
(source wikipedia)

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