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스티브 메이슨
Steve Mason , スティーブ·メイソン
최근수정 2023-02-02 02:39:02
랭킹: 13604위 -4 인기도: 1,584 프리미엄: 92 감정가: 475
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
He is the FBI director and a member of the SPK.

He helped L in the Kira's investigation sending FBI agents to Japan but gave up after all the agents were killed by Kira. He was too a leading Near's employees who helped to convince the U.S. President to form the SPK.

Later, along with other members of the SPK, he was killed by Mafia who used the Death Note (by Jack Neylon from Mello's orders) to show that Mello was better than Near.

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