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Pale Rider , ペイルライダー
최근수정 2014-08-28 22:27:28
랭킹: 36811위 -3 인기도: 464 프리미엄: 123 감정가: 161
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Display Name: ペイルライダー (Peiru Raida)
In-Game Name: Pale Rider
Gender: Male

Pale Rider was one of the participants of the third Bullet of Bullets(BoB) tournament in the Gun Gale Online. Pale Rider was a STR-type player, who had three dimensional mobility.

Pale Rider was a tall, skinny male who wore blue and white camouflage clothing. Due to his black helmet, his face could not be seen. Pale Rider used an ArmaLite AR17 Shotgun.

Pale Rider was one of the two victims of Death Gun during the tournament.

(Source: Sword Art Online Wikia)

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