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케마 토메사부로
Tomesaburou Kema , 食満 留三郎
최근수정 2021-12-15 23:29:15
랭킹: 63654위 -22 인기도: 120 프리미엄: -38 감정가: 12
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
6th year (age 15), Ha-class
President of the Equipment Committee.

First appeared in season 16 of the anime. Has a strong fighting spirit, aggressive and hot-tempered. Takes a liking to brawling and often yells "let's fight!" whenever he gets a chance. Because of this he is dubbed the upperclassman who "likes to fight" by the underclassmen. Often squabbles with Monjirou from I-class. He is also roommates with Isaku, which is also in the same class as him.

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