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나나마츠 코헤이타
Koheita Nanamatsu , 七松 小平太
최근수정 2016-01-21 18:46:21
랭킹: 70288위 4 인기도: 63 프리미엄: -46 감정가: 5
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Sixth year ro class. Age 15, Leo, blood type O. President of the Physical Education Committee. First appeared in volume 24 of the manga, and season 6 of the anime.
Koheita, a 6th year student with lots of energy and happy-go-lucky, cheerful, exciting and reckless personality. He made a hobby of digging trenches on soil, sometimes using only a pair of kunai, and sometimes with his bare hands. Apart from that, he also have the tendency to spike just about anything that flies towards him to the ground, like a volleyball spike (which occasionally causes problems to others, and even broke his arm). He is easily approachable by others and treats his juniors that come forward for his help with respect, though sometimes, with reckless running. His favorite word: "Ike Ike Don Don"

(Source: Wiki)

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