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Luke , リュック
최근수정 2021-01-18 16:27:18
랭킹: 300512위 -1 인기도: 0 프리미엄: -100 감정가: 0
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Luke A supporting member of the team, Luke isn't normally a combat pilot, being more of a technical expert and analyst. He served as a backup to Blake, piloting the team's Buster Eagle when it fused with the Berserk Fury.

Luke also developed the Gairyuki, possibly from the wreckage of Blake's Berserk Fury. The Gairyuki's development is likely a result of Luke's blaming himself for the Fury's destruction. He was later brainwashed by Alpha, and joined his forces. When working for Alpha he piloted a Leogator, and was a part of the Seimosaurus crew.

[Source: Wikipedia]

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