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히에타 핫포사이
Happousai Hieta , 稗田 八方斎
최근수정 2015-12-28 02:52:28
랭킹: 79879위 95 인기도: 4 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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Dokutake Castle Ninja Team Leader as well as Dokutake Ninjutsu Classroom Headmaster. A schemer and a war-enthusiast who's gained a bad reputation for being involved in numerous sinister plots for the good of his castle and its lord. A longstanding enemy of Ninjutsu Academy as well and the Headmaster especially, he's often plotting against them, though his schemes usually fall flat.

Since his head is literally very large, he has the habit of tipping over backwards from its weight when bursting into his signature evil laugh. He also often has to remind people what his name is, since no one ever seems to get it right.

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