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히나타 보쿠오
Bokuo Hinata , 日向 墨男
최근수정 2015-12-28 02:52:28
랭킹: 37821위 -23 인기도: 450 프리미엄: 38 감정가: 97
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 38
Job: Practical teacher, Class 1-Ro
Committee: Physical Education Committee advisor together with Atsugi

In sharp contrast to 1-Ro's spooky theory Shadaou, Hinata is a bright, sunny and energetic. While it seems the gloomy 1-Ro students take more after Shadou, they actually lose a lot of energy and become even more gloomy and listless on the rare occasion that Hinata is feeling down.

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