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노무라 유우조
Yuuzou Nomura , 野村 雄三
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:24:27
랭킹: 45918위 -18 인기도: 310 프리미엄: 0 감정가: 48
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 34
Birthplace: Iga Province
Job: Practical teacher, Class 2-I

An Iga ninja who always does his best to look good in front of the students. He and Ooki are eternal rivals who have been constantly fighting since Ooki's teaching days. Nomura's biggest weakness is leeks and onions, so Ooki leaving his position at Ninjutsu Academy specifically to grow them didn't improve their relationship in the least.

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