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산탄다 카즈마
Kazuma Santanda , 三反田 数馬
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:18:27
랭킹: 79877위 95 인기도: 4 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 12
Class: Year 3, Class Ha
Committee: Health Committee

A plain, inconspicuous boy who worries a lot about how easily his presence is forgotten. As he's one of Rantarou's fellow Health Committee members, their customary bad luck might be playing a part in how often he goes unnoticed by the other students, though even the rest of the Health Committee members seem to have a hard time remembering him as well.

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