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사도 카게마로
Kagemaro Shadou , 斜堂 影麿
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:16:27
랭킹: 61780위 -16 인기도: 135 프리미엄: 15 감정가: 24
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 29
Job: Theory teacher, Class 1-Ro
Committee: Etiquette Committee advisor

The teacher whose eerie presence has a huge influence on the 1-Ro students, he's gloomy, extremely spooky looking, fond of lurking in the shadows as a pastime and often mistaken for a real ghost. Any attempts he's made to become a more cheerful person have failed so far. He doesn't like dirt and messes and is a bit of a clean-freak.

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