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The Mess Hall Lady , 食堂のおばちゃん
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:11:27
랭킹: 47653위 -11 인기도: 285 프리미엄: -8 감정가: 41
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The woman in charge of the kitchen at Ninjutsu Academy. Though her real name and personal details are unknown and she's always referred to as the Mess Hall Lady, she's one of the most respected people at the academy and often called Ninjutsu Academy's strongest old lady whom not even the Headmaster can stand up to. The students often consult with her when they're troubled by something, since she's usually kind, helpful and understanding - unless leftovers are involved. "Leftovers are unforgivable" is her often repeated motto, and failing to live up to it can have frightening results.

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