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츠루마치 후시키조
Fushikizou Tsurumachi , 鶴町 伏木蔵
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:06:27
랭킹: 62837위 -19 인기도: 126 프리미엄: 8 감정가: 21
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 10
Class: Year 1, Class Ro
Committee: Health Committee

A boy with the gloomy looks of the rest of his class, he's actually a curious personality with a strong interest in mysteries and strange events. Often mentions his catchphrase "thrill and suspense" when coming across anything he finds exciting.

Like Rantarou he's a member of the traditionally unlucky Health Committee, and he too has his share of bad luck because of it. Just like committee president Zenpouji Isaku he's also formed an odd friendship with Tasogaredoki ninja team leader Zatto Konnamon.

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