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유메사키 산지로
Sanjirou Yumesaki , 夢前 三治郎
최근수정 2015-12-27 23:01:27
랭킹: 30647위 · 인기도: 632 프리미엄: -23 감정가: 76
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Age: 10
Birth Place: Harima Province
Class: Year 1, Class Ha
Committee: Biology Committee

A bright and friendly boy who almost always has a smile on his face. His father is a yamabushi and training with him in the mountains has made Sanjirou quite perceptive as well as a fast runner. Among his classmates only Rantarou is faster, and because of it they have an ongoing friendly rivalry.

Like his roommate Heidayuu he's fond of traps, and their room is full of traps and devices they've set up.

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