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나카가와 나츠키
Natsuki Nakagawa , 中川 夏紀
최근수정 2021-09-09 22:38:09
랭킹: 83977위 -40 인기도: 2 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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키/몸무게 : 

A second year student who plays the euphonium. She is rarely seen talking, and it seems like she has an aloof attitude. It is later revealed that the second-years are like this because there aren't many second-year due to something that happened in the past.

However, Natsuki is normally friendly to everyone, and tends to be mature and calm in most situations. She is also understanding of situations and takes everything quite nicely.

(Source: Hibike! Euphonium Wikia)

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