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타케노치 마스크
Masked Takenouchi , マスクド竹之内
최근수정 2013-01-30 12:18:30
랭킹: 16083위 -14 인기도: 1,350 프리미엄: 15 감정가: 243
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성별 : 
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
Soon after Cromartie students board a plane to go on a field trip, a group of masked men decide to hijack the plane and hold the passengers hostage on the tarmac.  This man was one of those hijackers.  In an attempt to get off the plane ASAP (and ease his motion sickness), Yutaka Takenouchi urges the hijackers to make outlandish demands including 100,000,000 yen and escaping with the plane to America.  To everyone's surprise, the Japanese authorities cooperate fully with the hijackers and submit to their demands...even the escape to America.

During the commotion, the Cromartie High students and (unknown to all involved) one of the hijackers are released as hostages, while Yutaka Takenouchi is mistaken as one of the hijackers and is taken to America. As a show of appreciation, the lone hijacker who escaped takes on the real Yutaka Takenouchi's identity.

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