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229 화 스포일러 (영문)
ESINebulas | L:0/A:0
LV23 | Exp.34% | 경험치획득안내[필독]
추천 0 | 조회 850 | 작성일 2017-08-31 08:46:52
[서브캐릭구경OFF] [캐릭컬렉션구경OFF] [N작품구경OFF]
*서브/컬렉션 공개설정은 서브구매관리[클릭]에서 캐릭공개설정에서 결정할수 있습니다.
  [숨덕모드 설정] 숨덕모드는 게시판 최상단에 위치해 있으며 언제든 설정할 수 있습니다.

229 화 스포일러 (영문)




Next day:
Soma and the rest are waiting
 for the shuttle car.

At the hotel’s lobby, Takumi is standing quietly. 
Yoshino: He’s been quiet for a while now. I hope he isn’t nervous ahead of his match.
Isami: Don’t worry. It’s the same face he makes when he’s at the kitchen concentrating.
Ryoko: Ehm…Megumi is…
Ikumi: Ahh…She
’s trying distract herself from her nervousness.

Ikumi: But no matter how you look at her, she seems to be just panicking…
Hisako is teaching calligraphy to Megumi
Hisako: That’s right. The finish has to be powerful. Naturally guide your hands and don’t let your wrists guide you.
Megumi: Yes!
Ikumi: The other guy in contrast should be a bit more nervous…Why is he playing around!
Soma is playing “Sevens” with Alice and Kurokiba. Erina is watching them.
Soma: The breakfast at the hotel was delicious! Didn’t expect any less from Hokkaido!
Kurokiba: Miss, you’re stopping the Queen of Diamonds, right…?
Alice: Ufufufufu not sure what you’re talking about.
Ikumi: Who thought the matchups would end up like that…
Ikumi: Ahm, Erina sama, are you sure it’s fine like this?
Erina: Eh? Ahh….I guess it’s better than to be nervous and freeze.
Erina: …Hey Alice! You shouldn’t have used that card now!
Alice: What, Erina, be quiet!
Ikumi: (Erina Sama must be annoyed)
Alice: Hishoko chan, you don’t want to play with us? Card games!
Hisako: …Eh! No, I’m fine!
Hisako: Although I participated in Erina sama’s Hokkaido lecture…I still lost. Someone like me shouldn’t enjoy her time..!
Alice: You’re still regretting your loss? It’s time to get over that!
Erina: Erina isn’t bothered about that either!
Souma: Ah, I think I won!
Kurokiba: !
Soma: Oh! I think the car will arrive soon.
Soma: By the way, I haven’t seen the Elite ten members yet.
[At the lobby]
Soma: Momo Senpai!
Soma: You’re alone? Where are the other 2?
Momo: They already went to the venue. They said they can’t wait for the match to begin.
Soma: Tsukasa Senpai and Rindou senapi aren’t here either.
Momo: They’re still resting.
Momo: It seems like the 2nd Bout was really exhausting, so they need as much time as possible to recover.
Soma: Haa…It must be tough for Saitou Senpai that he must fight right after yesterday!
Momo: You know when it comes to Sou myan…
Momo: He said that he took yesterday and today in the morning to do “Mizugori” to sharpen his nerves…and covered up his fatigue…
Yoshino and Ryoko: (He did that during the winter in Hokkaido?)
Hisako: You talk quite a lot today…Akanegakubo senpai.
Isshiki: In the beginning, she’s a pretty shy person…but once you get to know her, she is someone who likes to talk a lot.
Satou: As expected, you know a lot about the Elite Ten, Isshiki Senpai!
Takumi: But doing a “Mizugori” is old fashioned…I think his condition will only get worse.
Momo: Sou myan will be fine, Taku myan.
Takumi: Taku myan?
Momo: It’s a nickname I just made for you.
Momo: You know Momo likes cute things.
Momo: And the cutest type of food are sweets. So that’s why I became a patisserie!
Momo continues to give everybody nicknames.
Momo: Ah, you will have the exact same nickname as Sou myan…So you will be Yuki hyan.
Soma: Hyan?
Soma: Is Hyan even cute?
Momo: It’s borderline cute…borderline…
Isshiki: (When she considers you cute and treats you as such…then it means Momo senpai looks down on you. It’s something I realized while spending time together with her in the Elite Ten…She only calls people she looks down on in such fashion.)
Momo: Oh right…Megu Myan.
Momo: Let’s have a good fight.
She looks directly at Megumi’s eyes.
Megumi runs away.
Erina: (…Tadokoro san)
At the venue:
Saitou and Eizan are talking.
Erina: Tadokoro san!
Tadokoro: !
Erina: Aldini kun, and Yukihira kun! Give your best!
Soma: Yeah!
The Matchups:
Soma vs Saitou
Takumi vs Eizan
Megumi vs Momo
Tadokoro: (Calm down…as long as you don’t panic, it’s all fine. Until this point, you have trained so hard! You learned from Dojima chef and Jouichiro san… from such elite chefs. Also…)
Dojima called Tadokoro to come see him.
Tadokoro: I wonder why he told me to come see him.
Tadokoro: Today should be the day where we start a different Menu so maybe it’s about that…?
Someone enters the room.
Tadokoro:  Ah! Good mor..ning…
???: Hey blunt! Seems like you managed to survive at Tootsuki so far!
Tadokoro: Chef Shi…Chef Shinomiya!?




  [숨덕모드 설정] 숨덕모드는 게시판 최상단에 위치해 있으며 언제든 설정할 수 있습니다.
대충 예상대로 대진표가 나온듯
2017-08-31 09:17:09
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