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라돌프 슈나이젠
Radolf Schnaizen , ラードルフ・シュナイゼン,
최근수정 2012-02-16 09:25:16
랭킹: 37785위 · 인기도: 456 프리미엄: 0 감정가: 71
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Radolf is a cardinal in the Elemia Church. Although he joined before Bishop Falss, he remained at cardinal while Falss was promoted. Radolf believes that the Church should be for the people, which opposes the views of the Bishop. He has looked after Aurica for some time. He is also a Reyvatiel supporter, unlike many other characters in the game. Once communications open between Platina and The Wings of Horus he becomes an ambassador for peace.

Taken from the 'List of characters in Ar tonelico' Wiki page

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