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배틀 스피릿츠 : 소드 아이즈완결작
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes
최근수정 2015-10-03 15:33:03
랭킹: 12900위 7 인기도: 13,976 프리미엄: 353 감정가: 9,317
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : TV
화수 : 29
러닝타임 : 25분
등급 : 전체
방영일 : 2012.09.09
종영일 : 2013.03.31
장르 : 액션,소년
프로듀서 :  Sunrise
홈페이지 : 

The story is set 14 years after Atlantia, the largest country in the world of Legendia, was torn apart by riots. The protagonist Tsurugi Tatewaki was secreted away from the chaos at a young age. Oblivious to his true birthplace, Tsurugi grows up as a spirited boy in the neighboring rocky land of Pacifis.

One day, Tsurugi suddenly comes across the "Shining Sword," and his great adventure begin. An army of darkness is hunting down the 12 Sword Braves, and as the army pursues Tsurugi, a figure appears before him. Bringer is a Card Battle Droid entrusted with the duty of protecting Tsurugi. Trained by Bringer in the ways of the Battle Spirits combat, Tsurugi joins the other Sword Braves in rising up against the army of darkness with his Key Spirit "Shining Dragon."

12자루의 검을 둘러싼 빛과 어둠의 진영으로 나뉘어진 전투에서, 츠루기는 소드아이즈로 선택된 동료와 힘을 합하고 적으로서 가로막는 생이별의 형(오빠) 야이바에게 이길 수 있을 것인가?! 그리고 이 전투는 세계에 어떤 결말을 가져오는 것인가?!

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