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한 장칭
Zang-Ching Hang , ハン・ザンチン
최근수정 2013-04-16 22:52:16
랭킹: 9233위 9 인기도: 2,400 프리미엄: 23 감정가: 461
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성별 : 
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키/몸무게 : 
Hang Zang-Ching
There is not much info on him, only that he wished to be a pop idol when he was young and is an explosives expert. He appears numerous times in numerous fights and is the first to be killed by Peyote's rebellion but was later revived along with Hanagumi.
Furyoku: 7,000
He was born on March 16, 1966
Origin: Shanghai,China

Hang Zang-Ching's Spirit
Hang Zang-Ching's spirit named Shion-Shion. His over soul turns Shion-Shion into a Chinese-style gong, forming Oversoul Dokurama Neko.

from wikipedia

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