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최근수정 2017-04-17 02:14:17
랭킹: -위 인기도: 0 프리미엄: - 감정가: -
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : ONA
화수 : 
러닝타임 : 5분
등급 : 전체
방영일 : 2016.10.08
종영일 : 
장르 : 코미디,슈퍼파워
프로듀서 :  Nonefound addsome
홈페이지 : 
Gorou Joe is a boy who lives a carefree life in the small historical town of Gujo Hachiman in Gifu prefecture. One day an old self-professed "water fairy" appears in front of Joe, and tells him to help people, and grants Joe the power to turn into "GJ8 Man" (a pun on Gujo Hachiman, as the number 8 is pronounced "hachi" in Japanese, and the "hachi" in "Hachiman" uses the kanji for the number 8).

(Source: ANN)
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