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Kyoudai Koguma (The Bears Brothers)완결작
최근수정 2017-04-17 02:35:17
랭킹: -위 인기도: 0 프리미엄: - 감정가: -
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : 영화
화수 : 1
러닝타임 : 11분
등급 : None
방영일 : 1932.00.00
종영일 : 
장르 : 액션,코미디,드라마,에찌,판타지,역사,아이들,마법,음악,미스터리,로맨스,학교,성년,소녀,일상,스포츠,초자연,스릴러
프로듀서 :  Nonefound addsome
홈페이지 : 
Spring, birds are singing, frogs are dancing. A cave mother tells the bear to play outside with his brother 's son. But beware of scary humans. When a bear takes sumo and eats honey, the hunter shoots with a gun. Two people who saw the human for the first time finally arrive at the cave where the mother bears are born. To a child bear who was impressed by the person walking and walking, her mother bears teach standing to walk. Swallows and cranes flew away, summer is over and autumn also deepens. Parent-child bears will be able to stand and walk as they practice. After imitating a hunter and standing and walking, watching the appearance of a walking bear, she thinks that the mountain animals are human beings. A bear boasting to be proud of being proud in front of animals. A real hunter appeared there and the animals fled at once, but the baby girls responded by imitating humans. But there is no translation to the hunter, the two crawl underneath the tree and jump, jump over the valley with four legs, and lift it.

source : http://animation.filmarchives.jp
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