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흑수∼고상한 성녀는 백탁에 물들다∼완결작
Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
최근수정 2021-06-02 08:47:02
랭킹: 1287위 -6 인기도: 2,496 프리미엄: 800 감정가: 1,664
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : OVA
화수 : 6
러닝타임 : 30분
등급 : 청불
방영일 : 2012.01.27
종영일 : 2018.12.28
장르 : 액션,판타지,헨타이
프로듀서 :  Nonefound addsome
홈페이지 : 

In the land of Eostia, humans and dark elves have fought for supremacy for over a century. The dark elves rule over a race of monsters that has raided human lands for generations, capturing and defiling their women. Aided by powerful bands of mercenaries, the human kingdoms have gradually pushed back their old rivals.

But the mercenaries would not settle for these victories. Led by the cruel general Volt, the sellswords declare independence. With the support of the savage orcs, their new nation attacks human and dark elf alike, carving out a kingdom where men reign supreme and women are little more than slaves. Even the dark elves' castle is conquered and their queen taken prisoner.

The sole hope for peace in these lands rests with a fellowship of seven princess knights, handpicked by the goddess of the high elves. But is their power enough to cleanse the evil from their world?

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