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Quwasan Olibee , クワサン・オリビー
최근수정 2020-02-13 11:51:13
랭킹: 86866위 -16 인기도: 1 프리미엄: -92 감정가: 0
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Quwasan Olibee

Daba's younger half-sister, whom he lost track of. She eventually reappears as a puppet of Poseidal on the spy ship Epsilon. She is promoted over Giwaza, upsetting him enough for him to rebel against Poseidal. This also makes her a target of him, and he eventually manages to kidnap her. Daba and Gavlet (who falls in love with her) eventually rescue Olibee and she assists in them finding Poseidal(Mian) in the heart of Sveto. Although the war eventually ends, Olibee is brain damaged by the anguish caused by the bio-relation that Poseidal used to control her.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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