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진 오터스
Jean Otus , ジーン・オータス
최근수정 2020-12-19 13:59:19
랭킹: 909위 2 인기도: 123,235 프리미엄: 192 감정가: 56,195
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Jean Otus (ジーン・オータス)One of the many members of ACCA. He is the second-in-command of the ACCA inspection agency, a small branch that monitors the other branches. He is a compulsive smoker, always carrying around his trademark cigarette case, earning him the title of "cigarette peddler." He is also absent minded, often forgetting his lighter despite his smoking habit. He maintains a dull uninterested demeanor, but has proven himself to be rather intelligent. It is later revealed that Jean is of royal blood and the son of the second princess of Dõwã. (Source: Wikipedia)

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