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미츠키 페리시아
Felicia Mitsuki , 深月 フェリシア
최근수정 2020-02-25 09:14:25
랭킹: 129783위 -259 인기도: 0 프리미엄: -100 감정가: 0
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키/몸무게 : 

Felicia Mitsuki (深月 フェリシア)An energetic, unyielding, and unfettered magical girl. As she hates witches from the bottom of her heart and wants to get revenge for her parents, she lives as a "mercenary" waging war against witches all over Kamihama.

Her wild expressions during battle are the influence of shounen manga. However, she is gentle at heart and loves animals.

(Source: Magia Record Wiki)

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